Friday, January 8, 2010

daily happenings....

Its funny how winter changes the daily activities and chores to keep the "compound" going. In a way its almost easier, because we really have to do alot of work to do outside unless we have had a snowstorm or are going to have one. Snow removal is always fun! With 2 driveways and then a path between the houses, the new snowblower my sister purchased this year has been a vast improvement over shoveling in years past.

Drying laundry is my biggest gripe of winter time. I love having the woodstove for heat and to cook meals, but drying laundry inside doesnt come out the same as on the line outside. I try not to use the dryer whenever possible (pretty much only in the rainy spring time) to save on our electric bill and energy in general. Lugging wood is also kinda a downer, but a neccisary evil.

Lately money has been very very tight, so everyday I find myself trying to think of more and more ways we can cut costs or find money. I am always hunting the internet for different ideas other people may have. I have the grocery thing down to a science and I don't think we could save any more money on the heating of our home. The house is winterized to the till and we can't change how much wood we burn really. Gas for the cars never really changes, we have to drive to work. And we never spend money on luxury items like vacations or new clothing (unless we have too). Any ideas, feel free to share!

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