Tuesday, December 8, 2009

and here it comes.....

So, tomorrow is supposed to be the first big snow storm of the year. Up to 10 inches where I live and 30 MPH winds. We already have a few inches on the ground, but tonight I will spend the evening scrambling about the yard (because you are never as ready as you think you are) dragging in more firewood, tucking in all the covering over my plants and making sure the house is dampered down. You leave anything outside in weather like that and its gone until June!

I am sure I will spend all night peeking out the windows to see if the storm has arrived and surely I will wake up to a mess! I hate traveling my hour plus commute to work on ice and snow ridden back roads, so hopefully tomorrow will be so bad, I can take the day off and bum around the house in my pj's and load the woodstove all day. Maybe cook something fun on the stove and watch the snow pile up. But more than likely, I will be at my desk, at work, watching my car be covered up by Maines "welcome to winter" present. Ready or not, here it comes......

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