Monday, January 18, 2010

oh wait! Its happening again!

I woke up this morning to.......what was supposed to be a dusting of snow.....and there was 10" on the ground and more coming down! What a shock, more white stuff! These kind of monday morning surprises make me want to bury myself under the covers, so I did. About an hour later, I realized I had to go to work today, afterall its monday and they kinda expect me to be there, so I drug myself out of bed, got ready and grugingly made my way outside to dig out my car. My husband left for work 2 hrs prior, so all the snow removal he had done needed to be redone. I should have just got up at my normal time, my laziness doesnt pay. I went back inside and realized the fire was out. We were not prepared for this... no wood in the house. I said screw it and left the house nice and cold.

I made the hour commute, which today was extended by an extra half hour, cursing the snow all the way there. No one was on the roads today (smart people stay home in this shit) and I counted 15 plow trucks on my way in. Driving in Maine in the winter is an art form. One I mastered long ago, but despise nonetheless.

I get to work, obviously the last one in for the day (my timely counterparts cars are now all covered in 2 hours worth of snow) and stomp into work strutting my Maine girl winter gear. Scarf wrapped around face, hood up, gloves on, big old boots, parka, holding a bag of lunch, purse, shoes and a coffee. It was a sight. I make my way to my cubicle and organize myself to begin my day. Its now 10:15. I should have been here and ready to go at 8. I take my seat and glance out the window. Still snowing. Here comes my boss. "what are you doing should have stayed home. The roads are bad!" He says. Fucking great.

I should have stayed in bed.

Now its 12:30 (I'm here, I might as well stay) and I am nervous already about the drive at 5:00. Its still snowing. There has to be 12-14" out there now. Maybe I will just sleep here. I have enough winter clothes with me to make a nice bed under my desk.

Why do I live in Maine again?!

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