Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another day, another snow storm.

So, last nights commute home in our little blizzard wasnt as bad as I anticipated. Once I made it back to the house, the work began though. While husband snowblowed our driveway, my sisters driveway, the path between us and the paths to the woodpile and shed, I hauled in firewood and got a fire going. Once that was settled I started supper. Chicken Parm with homemade bisquits and salad. Within an hour or so we were snuggled in and could relax.

This morning we woke up to the sound of the plow truck. Yes, more snow! 4"-7" due to fall today. So, tonight will be a repeat showing, commute in snow, home to clean up driveways and start the wood stove back up. But what for dinner?

All this snow, has me thinking spring. And its only Jan- we have a long way to go here in Maine! But I like to make a firm game plan on what our garden will look like this year and I start my seedlings in march, so I will begin my shopping soon. I've been reading other blogs and everyone seems on the same page as me. Trying to keep grocery bills low and looking for money any way we can.
Until next time....

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