Monday, January 11, 2010

high gear

Sometimes I find, because "easier" ways are available to me, that I have moments, days, weeks, where I slip and forget my mission is to be more sustainable- more efficent. This weekend I was lazy and 3 out of the 4 of my loads of laundry found their way into the dryer. I didnt cook on the woodstove once (I used the electric range instead) and I even turned the oven on for baked potatoes only (I never do that!). I really really need to kick it in to high gear!

Money is tighter than it has ever been and as a result I think my behavior is a way of acting out. I need to keep focused and remember how much money some of these practices saves us. My husband has been horribly depressed about the lack of funds, which (just stating a fact, no finger pointing) have been due to his lack of work. Its just the way the construction industry is right now. So, every penny really does count.

We have been doing really well on somethings. I thought we were low on firewood until I went out to the firewood shed last night and discovered we still have enought to get us through march if we are frugal with it. I have made some awesome meals this week and we have done a great job making meals with what we have on hand and not buying other items or eating out. We've done a nice job on reusing items from around the house and making due with what we have. But I still think I am slipping.

So, I am going to set some weekly reminders or "goals" for myself.
This week-
I will bring my lunch everyday.
I will brainstorm some ideas to make / find some more money.
I will watch our electricity comsumption.

Wish me luck, I may need it.

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