Friday, April 9, 2010

cleaning up my act...a quest for better cleaning products

Okay, so I have mentioned this before. But I am still on the kick of working on streamlining my cleaning products into better, multi-use, eco-friendly products. We have been trying to start a family, so I have been very concerned with chemicals in the house and finding ways around them. So far I am doing really well. Heres what I have done, and while there is room for improvement, I think this is some real progress.

1. Today I purchased my first box of Borax! There is mixed reviews on this, but I am going to make my argument. First, I am saving on packaging of so many other cleaners. Second, it's not dangerous to inhale or touch. It's also a renewable product. I am replacing soft scub, oxy-clean and comet with this product- maybe even more!

2. I converted to all natural spray cleaner, with reusable bottle. When you run out, you just add a new little bottle of cleaner to the spray bottle and fill with water. No more throwing away bottles!

3. Rags. I found on another website a lady who had a basket of rags on her kitchen counter. She used these to clean the counters and such and every couple days she would swap it out for a clean one. Then I remembered my grandmother gave me a ton of dishclothes for my bridal shower! So, I've been using those and have cut back drastically on the papertowels. I can't kick the habit completely, because (sorry) I refuse to wash the bathroom with rags and then throw them in my washer with clothes. Can't do it. So papertowels it is for that, but I use very little.

4. Lastly, I have gone back to a product that I love and have a hard time finding Dr. Bronners Sal-Suds cleaner. I can't even tell you how well this washes dishes! It works great on the floor too!! I adore Bronners and use it camping all the time- now we are using it in the house too!!

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