Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another day, another snow storm.

So, last nights commute home in our little blizzard wasnt as bad as I anticipated. Once I made it back to the house, the work began though. While husband snowblowed our driveway, my sisters driveway, the path between us and the paths to the woodpile and shed, I hauled in firewood and got a fire going. Once that was settled I started supper. Chicken Parm with homemade bisquits and salad. Within an hour or so we were snuggled in and could relax.

This morning we woke up to the sound of the plow truck. Yes, more snow! 4"-7" due to fall today. So, tonight will be a repeat showing, commute in snow, home to clean up driveways and start the wood stove back up. But what for dinner?

All this snow, has me thinking spring. And its only Jan- we have a long way to go here in Maine! But I like to make a firm game plan on what our garden will look like this year and I start my seedlings in march, so I will begin my shopping soon. I've been reading other blogs and everyone seems on the same page as me. Trying to keep grocery bills low and looking for money any way we can.
Until next time....

Monday, January 18, 2010

oh wait! Its happening again!

I woke up this morning to.......what was supposed to be a dusting of snow.....and there was 10" on the ground and more coming down! What a shock, more white stuff! These kind of monday morning surprises make me want to bury myself under the covers, so I did. About an hour later, I realized I had to go to work today, afterall its monday and they kinda expect me to be there, so I drug myself out of bed, got ready and grugingly made my way outside to dig out my car. My husband left for work 2 hrs prior, so all the snow removal he had done needed to be redone. I should have just got up at my normal time, my laziness doesnt pay. I went back inside and realized the fire was out. We were not prepared for this... no wood in the house. I said screw it and left the house nice and cold.

I made the hour commute, which today was extended by an extra half hour, cursing the snow all the way there. No one was on the roads today (smart people stay home in this shit) and I counted 15 plow trucks on my way in. Driving in Maine in the winter is an art form. One I mastered long ago, but despise nonetheless.

I get to work, obviously the last one in for the day (my timely counterparts cars are now all covered in 2 hours worth of snow) and stomp into work strutting my Maine girl winter gear. Scarf wrapped around face, hood up, gloves on, big old boots, parka, holding a bag of lunch, purse, shoes and a coffee. It was a sight. I make my way to my cubicle and organize myself to begin my day. Its now 10:15. I should have been here and ready to go at 8. I take my seat and glance out the window. Still snowing. Here comes my boss. "what are you doing here.........you should have stayed home. The roads are bad!" He says. Fucking great.

I should have stayed in bed.

Now its 12:30 (I'm here, I might as well stay) and I am nervous already about the drive at 5:00. Its still snowing. There has to be 12-14" out there now. Maybe I will just sleep here. I have enough winter clothes with me to make a nice bed under my desk.

Why do I live in Maine again?!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

aaahh... winter in Maine!

Woke up to a cold one this morning! I thought I had the woodstove dampered down enough last night, but we woke up at 6am to a very cold house. I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard the furnace click on. (We have maybe 1/8 of a tank of oil left which we are trying to preserve for the 2-3 hr time span between the stove going out and us getting home from work). I ran down stairs, still half asleep with just my robe and no slippers on to find a empty, and I mean not a coal in it, woodstove. It was 55 degrees in the main area of the house (where the woodstove is located) and -4 degrees outside!! So, our day started with husband splitting kindling in his pjs and coat and me crumbling up newspapers in my freezing barefeet. I took an extra long hot shower to warm back up. By the time I left for work at 7 the house was up to 65 degrees. I am sure tonight we will have to repeat the whole process- surely it being this cold out the stove will not have kept in warm the 11 hrs we have been away at work.

When I started thinking about leaving work, I also started thinking about dinner (as I mentioned in the last post, trying to save some $$) and what I could make tonight that we have in the house. Due to the extreamly brisk weather outside, I think we need something hearty. I've decided tonights menu will be country ribs, roasted potatoes & carrots, corn and homemade bisquits. I might even bake some brownies for dessert!

This time of year can be a little long in New England. Our Winters, especailly here in Maine, can be mind numbingly cold. And its cold for so long. Its only January and I am ready for spring!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

high gear

Sometimes I find, because "easier" ways are available to me, that I have moments, days, weeks, where I slip and forget my mission is to be more sustainable- more efficent. This weekend I was lazy and 3 out of the 4 of my loads of laundry found their way into the dryer. I didnt cook on the woodstove once (I used the electric range instead) and I even turned the oven on for baked potatoes only (I never do that!). I really really need to kick it in to high gear!

Money is tighter than it has ever been and as a result I think my behavior is a way of acting out. I need to keep focused and remember how much money some of these practices saves us. My husband has been horribly depressed about the lack of funds, which (just stating a fact, no finger pointing) have been due to his lack of work. Its just the way the construction industry is right now. So, every penny really does count.

We have been doing really well on somethings. I thought we were low on firewood until I went out to the firewood shed last night and discovered we still have enought to get us through march if we are frugal with it. I have made some awesome meals this week and we have done a great job making meals with what we have on hand and not buying other items or eating out. We've done a nice job on reusing items from around the house and making due with what we have. But I still think I am slipping.

So, I am going to set some weekly reminders or "goals" for myself.
This week-
I will bring my lunch everyday.
I will brainstorm some ideas to make / find some more money.
I will watch our electricity comsumption.

Wish me luck, I may need it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

daily happenings....

Its funny how winter changes the daily activities and chores to keep the "compound" going. In a way its almost easier, because we really have to do alot of work to do outside unless we have had a snowstorm or are going to have one. Snow removal is always fun! With 2 driveways and then a path between the houses, the new snowblower my sister purchased this year has been a vast improvement over shoveling in years past.

Drying laundry is my biggest gripe of winter time. I love having the woodstove for heat and to cook meals, but drying laundry inside doesnt come out the same as on the line outside. I try not to use the dryer whenever possible (pretty much only in the rainy spring time) to save on our electric bill and energy in general. Lugging wood is also kinda a downer, but a neccisary evil.

Lately money has been very very tight, so everyday I find myself trying to think of more and more ways we can cut costs or find money. I am always hunting the internet for different ideas other people may have. I have the grocery thing down to a science and I don't think we could save any more money on the heating of our home. The house is winterized to the till and we can't change how much wood we burn really. Gas for the cars never really changes, we have to drive to work. And we never spend money on luxury items like vacations or new clothing (unless we have too). Any ideas, feel free to share!