Friday, April 9, 2010

cleaning up my act...a quest for better cleaning products

Okay, so I have mentioned this before. But I am still on the kick of working on streamlining my cleaning products into better, multi-use, eco-friendly products. We have been trying to start a family, so I have been very concerned with chemicals in the house and finding ways around them. So far I am doing really well. Heres what I have done, and while there is room for improvement, I think this is some real progress.

1. Today I purchased my first box of Borax! There is mixed reviews on this, but I am going to make my argument. First, I am saving on packaging of so many other cleaners. Second, it's not dangerous to inhale or touch. It's also a renewable product. I am replacing soft scub, oxy-clean and comet with this product- maybe even more!

2. I converted to all natural spray cleaner, with reusable bottle. When you run out, you just add a new little bottle of cleaner to the spray bottle and fill with water. No more throwing away bottles!

3. Rags. I found on another website a lady who had a basket of rags on her kitchen counter. She used these to clean the counters and such and every couple days she would swap it out for a clean one. Then I remembered my grandmother gave me a ton of dishclothes for my bridal shower! So, I've been using those and have cut back drastically on the papertowels. I can't kick the habit completely, because (sorry) I refuse to wash the bathroom with rags and then throw them in my washer with clothes. Can't do it. So papertowels it is for that, but I use very little.

4. Lastly, I have gone back to a product that I love and have a hard time finding Dr. Bronners Sal-Suds cleaner. I can't even tell you how well this washes dishes! It works great on the floor too!! I adore Bronners and use it camping all the time- now we are using it in the house too!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I've been watching you.....

Okay, so not to sound creepy, but I have. I've been watching you. I've been reading what you have to say. I have been learning from you. And now I am really geared up on my quest for sustainability.
I don't know what started the web searching,because I have been doing alot of this without influence for awhile, but once I found all these homesteading blogs, I was hooked. I have been reading every little bit of homesteading, sustainability, housekeeping info I can find on the internet. Ever since we purchased our own home, I have worked hard to make it greener, more productive, sustainable and comfortable. I love the ideas that other people have, what you all have done and I can't wait to learn more from you!
I will try harder to show you what we have been up too and share our successes and failures as well!!

Monday, April 5, 2010


After a weekend of record breaking temps, we got a head start on all our spring clean up chores. I planted tons of srubs and cleaned up piles of leaves left over from the fall. Husband rented a power broom and cleaned our yard and my sisters and the compound is looking squeeky clean!! We built the platform for the rainbarrel and started making plans for the gardens this year. I am expanding the area were we grow corn and we have added elderberries to the mix this year, so we are quickly running out of usable space!!
Two years ago we purchased a composter like the one pictured above. I keep reminding myself that I need to use it as much as possible. Maybe this year I will remember not just to fill it up, but to also use the compost!! I'll be interested to see whats in there- now that the snow is gone, I can finally go check it out. Anyway, seedlings are doing great, yard is looking good and we are doing well! Happy Spring everyone!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Doing well with what you have

I can say that I like to have a neat home. I am proud of my house, my belongings and I like to take care of them. I wouldnt say I am anal about it, but I am not like other many other people I read about on other blogs that seem to shun "buying the latest trends" or "buying things you dont need". Do I really need framed art? All those cooking gagets? I am sure there are plenty of things I can do without. But I AM good at balance. I don't have tons of shoes or piles of unused items all over my house. I use or enjoy everything I own.
Lately, we have been strapped for cash. Spring is here and the desire to clean the house up, look nice and do things around the home is strong. But with little money available, I have had to look at ways I can revamp the items I already own. I have learned a couple things. First off, if I want something I see at the store, I walk away. I think about it. I may even leave. I mull it over. Do I WANT it or NEED it? Would I really use it? Is there some place else I would rather spend this money. And then I dont want it! I have also learned that I can be pretty crafty when I want to and have managed to pull off some nice projects in the house with little to no money. Heres what we did this week.
Project one- Outdoor living space
I wanted a outdoor table set. We spend tons of time in the yard and have a nice covered gazebo, so we would use it. But cheap ones that would break in a year were over $100. Money we didnt have. Instead, I took an old picnic table that had seen better days and cut the seats off with a sawzall. I purchased a pretty bright plastic table clouth and picnic table clamps and covered the top. I found some old plastic chairs (6) that looked bad, but worked fine and purchased some coordinating seat cusions. They were the cheap indoor kind, but I'll take them in when we are done for the evening. Lastly, I found 2 small candle lanterns and put them on the table. It looks perfect and cost me under $20! I will post pics, I promise!
Project two- cleaning up the cleaning supplies
I ran out of every cleaning product I own. I debated just going the vinegar and water route, but I can't get past the smell. So, I found at a locale discount retailer a mix your own cleaning solution kit. For $3.00 I purchased 3 all natual mixing solutions and the bottle! What a steal! While I was there, I spotted soap containers that had tops that appeared to be the same size as a canning jar. Well. I have tons at home, so I purchased a top for .59 cents. Sure enough, it fit just fine. Today, I found Dials new eco-friendly soap refills in a plastic bag- and now I can stop buying pump soap containers! Oh yeah and it looks really nice and country too :)
Project three- Custom curtains
My sister wanted some new drapes for her french doors. Walking though a second hand shop, I found some super nice thick material. So, just for her, I have made 2 panels of insulated orange curtains. And they cost me $12!! I have done this several times in my own home and I love the way they come out!