Monday, November 1, 2010

A Monday morning surprise.

It seems sometimes saving money and living simply is only fun and rewarding when it is a choice. But on the other hand the skills do come in handy when all the sudden you find yourself needing to cut corners.

Every year I get a little nutty in the Fall. I think alot of New Englanders get this way. I have the overwhelming urge to stock pile food and firewood and batton down the hatches. Winter here in Maine can be pretty long and brutal and I make every effort I am ready when that first storm hits. Normal financial stresses come along with winter. Bigger electric bills, bigger fuel bills. Holidays. And both of us being in the construction business, sometimes work slows a little in the winter.

This year, before we even see a snowstorm, it sounds like a financial storm is going to hit. Husband found out this morning he is about to be layed off.

In some ways we are very prepared for this. We have about as much food as we can store. We have almost five cords of wood, which will get us into at least February if we are careful. We really aren't behind on any bills and Christmas can be small. But we live hand to mouth on what we make for the most part now and the difference between his check and unemployment is going to hurt us. That means we can put starting a family soon on hold. That means we can forget about (even a cheap) vacation this winter.

When I have money in the bank and I am making my own laundry detergent and eating food I raised, I am so proud. When I don't have two dimes to rub together, the story is slightly different.

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