Tuesday, November 2, 2010

this week....

I need a little "pull yourself up by the boot straps" speech today.
I'm feeling rotten about money and the more we need it, the more I seem to spend.
So, as a reminder to myself today, I am going to make a list of all the things I have been doing well this week to save money-
  1. rekindled my romance with the bread discount store! Cha-ching!
  2. thought through my meals for the week- all home cooked (as always) but no last minute pick ups. I am cleaning that cupboard out baby!
  3. returned all the bottles we could find- $14 buckaroos! We used it to buy t.p. toothpaste and other needed items.
  4. the furnace is off and the woodstove is going. Normally, this is the only time of year we allow the furnace to run at all- just a low temp while we are at work. But this year, we dont have any oil, so the woodstove is on early (we will see how that works out come February!)
  5. We both have brought our breakfasts and lunches to work all week- husband is great about this- I am not.

So there we have it. I need to be positive and continue to focus on the things we can improve on to help save us more during these difficult times.

Remember to vote today!

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