Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome cold weather!

Finally, it's starting to feel like fall! The heat wave is passed and I for one am so ready to move on to the next New England season- fall!
It seems every year we do better and better with being ready for winter and all that comes with it. We have over four cords of wood, all cut, split and stacked under cover. The garden is all pulled and just needs to be raked out. It was a bumper crop this year! 3 huge pumpkins, fresh veggies, pickles, relish, salsa, tomato sauce and plenty of dried herbs later, we made out pretty well I think!
We still have to clean the furnace and chimney, get the yard ready and drain the pool, but we are well ahead of where we have been in seasons past. It gives us more time to spend at the local fairs and having good times!

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