Thursday, March 18, 2010

compound updates

I have a couple homesteading tasks that I really want to get done this season, one being making a rain barrel. We have a shed near our garden and it would be perfect to set this up. We found a chunk of gutter in the yard, but barrels are expensive! This made us hold off last year, until we could find one. Then "POOF!" just like magic, Husband is driving home from work and sees a house that sells them for $5! He grabbed one and now we are in business! (and yes, it's food quality, not used for chemicals). I will post some photos once it is done and ready to go! This will save us quite a bit on our water bill.

Next task is the 4 elderberry trees we got for the yard as a gift. We have a very close friend who works for a landscape company and from time to time snags us some free stuff. Usually it needs to be nursed back to health, but we all have a green thumb around here, so it works out. Anyway, I plan on planting 2 of the trees on my property and 2 next door at my sisters. I look forward to making jam from the berries in the near future.
The seedlings are doing great, the pickling cucumbers are already up and the regular cukes are on their way. Not nearly as moist this year in the greenhouse as it has been in years past so I have been needing to water a ton. In the end, it will all be worth it!
Lastly, My sister and I have been thinking of really getting into the craft fair circut this year with homemade soaps, jams, pickles, quilts and dried herbs. Maybe even a few other items. We'll keep you posted if we proceed!

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