Thursday, April 7, 2011

Inexpensive cusine- Pastys

This is a really easy, very cheap and filling meal! It is a traditional Finnish dish and can be made easily for a family of two or twelve! It is a great way to get non veggie lovers to eat some veggies and non meat lovers to eat some meat. It has really been a hit in our house! If you are making this for 4 people, this is the measurements I would use, but they are not exact, so feel free to add more or less of an item. If making for more people, simply double or triple the recipe. I bet they freeze okay too!

  1. Mix 1 1/2 to 2 lbs ground turkey or hamburger with some chopped veggies -celery (about 3 stalks), carrots (2 large ones peeled), a medium onion and a couple peeled chopped potatoes in a bowl. Add 1 half of a rutabaga peeled and shredded. (Even if you don't think you like it- add it! It adds a ton of flavor and cooks down to nothing!) salt and pepper mixture to taste. Mix by hand.

  2. Roll out ready made pie crust and cut in half. (If you want to make your own crust go for it- but I don't have time for that!) Put a good handful of the meat mixture on one half and fold over like a small calzone. Seal the edges and poke air holes to vent.

  3. Place on greased cookie sheet or glass dish and bake @ 375 degrees for apox 1 hour or until golden brown and meat is cooked through. Is great served with Ketchup!! Enjoy!

You will be surprised how much filling this makes! If you have more filling then crust, you can bake the leftovers like a meatloaf.


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