Wednesday, November 11, 2009

let it snow!

Its the time of year around here that you notice a ripple of prepardness sweep across the state. If you drive around and look at peoples yards its like a daily flipbook of changes. Wood is stacked. Leaves are raked. Windows are buttoned up. Bushes are covered. Driveways are sealed. Winter is coming!
I think this is funny to watch. I love to stand back in amazement as I look at my yard all tucked in for the winter.
I love this time of the year so much, I actually look forward to it. I know just what needs to be done. I know just what I need to buy. I think I may even take it a little too far. Not only is the outside of our house ready, but the inside too. I buy excessive amounts of groceries in the fall, everything from can goods to toilet paper. I make sure all the cuboards are fully stocked. I get out all the winter gear and organize it. I lay out the shovels, the sand, the rocksalt. It could be the ice storm of '98 all over again, you never know, and I want to be ready! The kinda sick thing for me, is that I actually hope I have to call on those rations. I love the thought that I am all ready to survive a massive snow or ice storm. I love the feeling of being self reliant. Most of all, I love the feeling of being trapped in my house watching the snow fall, cozied up with family, while dinner cooks on the woodstove.

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