Monday, March 26, 2012

180 Days

I can't believe tomorrow our little baby bug will be 6 months old!

I also can't believe the personal and emotional changes I have gone through, since becoming a mom.

::I'm so very proud of myself for making it this far breastfeeding. I never in my plans for motherhood expected it to mean so much to me, let alone, make it this long!

:: I now truly understand the portion of our wedding vows..."For better or worse". It takes on a whole new meaning some days. There's been some rough nights and some rough adjustments. But in the end we are better for it and it will make us stronger as a couple.

:: I have a whole new appreciation and respect for my own parents.

:: I miss sleep and regular bras in ways I cannot even explain.

:: I never knew I could have so much love in my heart!

:: I can't believe how much softer of a person I have become.

:: I had no idea, in a million years, what the sound of your own baby's laugh does to your soul.

This has been quite the journey so far. With ups and downs and laughter and tears. And to think, it's only been 6 months!

1 comment:

  1. What everyone says is all goes by too fast. You should be proud of yourself! Just because breastfeeding is natural doesn't mean that it's easy. And I hear you about testing "for better or worse." I never expected parenthood to be such a stress on my relationship with my partner, but it really is. In the end, we too are stronger because of it, but some days are really challenging! Here's to another wonderful six months!
