So, then the quest to fill it. Up until now, well, all the little guy has had is breast milk. So, I went with something gentle to start him off and tried Earthsbest Organic Rice Cereal, mixed with breast milk. Eeh. He didn't love it, I felt it was a little creepy (the dehydrated flakes just look nasty) and just didn't seem like the right choice. So tonight, we introduce Mamas homemade oatmeal! We shall see if this is more my little guys style..Mama tried it last night (after Daddy technically made it!) and it was pretty yummy!

And then there was treats for us... the sap is running! Sugaring time!!!
This is our first year, but we are doing the whole compound with the help of my sisters boyfriend, who is a seasoned tree sappin' vet. We don't have enough trees to get a ton (with a 40 gallon to 1 gallon ratio, who really does?) But we will get enough to enjoy. The first batch was done Saturday night and promptly enjoyed on my pancakes Sunday morning!
Its amazing these simple little gifts- from a wood bowl & spoon to a sugary treat- can all be found right in our backyard!