Friday, May 20, 2011

Monday, Monday.

This Monday seems like it's an eternity away and the closer it gets the longer it seems to take to get here.

Monday we find out (hopefully!) if we are having a boy or a girl!
I find myself (and I am sure my husband does too, but he keeps it to himself) day dreaming more and more about what and who this child will be. I get a pang of joy over something that reminds me it could be a girl and then I tell myself to not get my hopes up. I see something that makes me feel it's a boy and I get so excited I can barely contain myself.......and again, tell myself to stop. I have stopped myself from reading the baby name book for the weekend. I'm trying so hard to not get excited one way or another. Really, I think I am trying to talk myself OUT of having a prefference, which maybe deep down I may have.

Whatever the outcome, we are happy, excited, feeling more and more ready and feeling blessed. Whomever this child is, we are really happy to have them in our life!
Stay tuned.... Tuesday morning I should be in a very different mindset!!!